Immanuel, God with us, [以 賽 亞 書 Isa. 7:14 因 此 、 主 自 己 要 給 你 們 一 個 兆 頭 、 必 有 童 女 懷 孕 生 子 、 給 他 起 名 叫 以 馬 內 利 。 〔 就 是 神 與 我 們 同 在 的 意 思]
Something about Lentils
Lentils are relatively tolerant to drought and are grown throughout the world. About a third of the worldwide production of lentils is from India, most of which is consumed in the domestic market. Canada is the largest export producer of lentils in the world and Saskatchewanis the most important producing region in Canada. The Palouse Region of Eastern Washington and the Idaho Panhandle, with its commercial center at Pullman, WA, constitutes the most important producing region in the United States.[11]
FAO reports that world production of lentils for calendar year 2008 is 3.874 million metric tonnes, primarily coming from Canada, India, Nepal and United States. National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) reports United States 2007 production at 154.5 thousand metric tonnes, primarily coming from North Dakota, Montana, Washington, and Idaho. Statistics Canada estimates that Canadian lentil production for the 2009/10 year is a record 1.5 million metric tonnes.[12]
"十個房間的故事" 如下 :
有一位年輕人,他擁有一棟極漂亮的房子,這棟房子有兩層 ,上層有五個房間, 下層有五個房間,總共十個房間。這個年輕人對能擁有這棟 房子感到非常驕傲。
耶穌對他說︰「我敲門想要進來,你要讓我進來嗎? 」
年輕人十分高興,說︰「歡迎你 主,我要把最好的房間給你住,請進,請進。 」
年輕人說︰「這棟屋子最好的房間在樓上,裡面有最好的家俱,是最大最好的房間。 」
於是他走到樓上說︰「主耶穌,這是你的房間。 」
耶穌是個紳士,他說︰「謝謝你。 」
魔鬼說︰「不!我已經進來了! 」
年輕人說︰「我不要你! 」
魔鬼說︰「我已經進來了! 」
於是兩人便開始扭打成一團。 魔鬼整天都在年輕人心中注入污穢的試探,情況危急... 到了晚上,年輕人才勉強把魔鬼推出去,將門鎖上。他筋疲力盡。
之後,他想︰「等一下,耶穌住在我家,他為什麼不幫助我,他難道沒有聽見我在喊叫,需要幫忙嗎?他為什麼不來幫助我? 」
於是,他走到樓上,對耶穌說︰「主耶穌啊,難道你沒聽見魔鬼整天在煩我嗎?你為什麼不幫我 ? 」
耶穌說︰「孩子,在這十個房間中,你住了九間,我只住了一間。 」
年輕人好像被敲了一下,說︰「噢,主啊,我知道我犯了錯誤,我們一半一半好了,你住樓上,我住樓下吧。 」
耶穌是個紳士,他說︰「謝謝你。 」
偷看一下,如果是魔鬼,我就趕快關門。 "
是誰? 又是魔鬼...!!!
他趕快想要關門,但魔鬼的腳很瘦,它用腳擋住門縫,於是他們又扭打了一整天,情況實在激烈... 到了晚上,年輕人才勉強把魔鬼推出去,將門鎖上。他筋疲力盡。
之後,他想︰「等一下,我給耶穌一半的房間,包括最好的房間,耶穌為什麼不來幫助我,我一定要問問他。 」
他走到樓上說︰「主耶穌啊,魔鬼又來找我了!你為什麼不幫我?我給你五個房間。 」
耶穌說︰「孩子,我們換個做法好了,你把十個房間都給我,然後你來住我家,而不是我來住你家。 」
年輕人跪了下來,他把前門的鎖匙拿出來, 他說︰「主耶穌,我現在把整棟房子交給你,從今天起我要住在家,這樣做好嗎? 」
到了次日早上,太陽出來之前,有人用力敲前門︰咯咯咯咯咯咯... 年輕人還在睡覺,他嚇得跳下床,哭喪著臉,說︰「魔鬼又來了... 」
當他哭時,突然不敢相信自己的耳朵,他聽見房子裡有腳步聲︰踏...踏...踏踏 ,就想︰「我不再是房子的主人,開門是房子主人的責任。 」
魔鬼說︰「對不起,我敲錯門了! 」
耶穌對他說︰「我敲門想要進來,你要讓我進來嗎? 」
年輕人十分高興,說︰「歡迎你 主,我要把最好的房間給你住,請進,請進。 」
於是他走到樓上說︰「主耶穌,這是你的房間。 」
耶穌是個紳士,他說︰「謝謝你。 」
魔鬼說︰「不!我已經進來了! 」
年輕人說︰「我不要你! 」
魔鬼說︰「我已經進來了! 」
於是兩人便開始扭打成一團。 魔鬼整天都在年輕人心中注入污穢的試探,情況危急...
耶穌是個紳士,他說︰「謝謝你。 」
偷看一下,如果是魔鬼,我就趕快關門。 "
是誰? 又是魔鬼...!!!
年輕人跪了下來,他把前門的鎖匙拿出來, 他說︰「主耶穌,我現在把整棟房子交給你,從今天起我要
魔鬼說︰「對不起,我敲錯門了! 」
讚美之泉 - 满有能力
我的盼望 就在耶稣基督里 在祢里面满有平安
生命泉源 就在耶稣基督里 有主在我里面活着
我宣告在我里面的 比世上一切更有能力
我不属这世界 我高举耶稣的名
我宣告在我里面有 活水涌流满有能力
有耶稣在我里面活着 我勇敢站立
有主在我里面 没有惧怕 能战胜仇敌
有主在我里面 没有惧怕 还得胜有余
經文: 「在世上,你們有苦難;但你們可以放心,我已經勝了世界。」(約翰福音十六:33)
同頌慶主恩典(CAMP FIRE DANCE) Celebrate
Come On And Celebrate
Key = G
Tempo 69
Verse 1 :
Come on and celebrate
His gift of love, we will celebrate
Em Csus2 Am
The Son of God who loved us
Dsus4 D/F#
And gave us life
Verse 2 :
We'll shout Your praise, O King
You gave us joy nothing else can bring
Em Am
We'll give to You our offering
Dsus4 D G
In celebration praise
Chorus :
C Am
Come on and celebrate, celebrate
G/D Em
Celebrate and sing
Am D G
Celebrate and sing to the King
C Am
Come on and celebrate, celebrate
G/D Em
Celebrate and sing
Am D G
Celebrate and sing to the King
A Test: Do you have the True Jesus?
A Test: Do you have the True Jesus?
There is a simple way to see if someone has the true Jesus or not. By true Jesus, I mean the one of the Bible, not the one of Mormonism who is the brother of the devil, nor the Jehovah's Witness Jesus who is Michael the Archangel, and certainly not the one of the New Age Movement who is simply a man in tune with the divine consciousness.
- The Jesus of the Bible is prayed to (Acts 7:55-60; Psalm 116:4 and Zech. 13:9 with 1 Cor. 1:1-2).
- The Jesus of the Bible is worshiped (Matt. 2:2,11; 14:33; 28:9; John 9:35-38; Heb. 1:6)
- The Jesus of the Bible called God (John 20:28; Heb. 1:8).
In cult theologies, Jesus is a creation in one form or another (this is why the Jehovah's Witnesses add the word ‘other' four times to Col. 1:16-17). Therefore, He is not to be prayed to, worshiped, or called God.
If you are a Christian then you will be able to pray to Jesus, not just through. You will be able to worship Jesus equally with the Father. And you will be able to call Jesus your Lord and God. A cultist cannot do this. A cultist has a false Jesus, and, therefore, a false hope of salvation.
If you are a Christian then you will be able to pray to Jesus, not just through. You will be able to worship Jesus equally with the Father. And you will be able to call Jesus your Lord and God. A cultist cannot do this. A cultist has a false Jesus, and, therefore, a false hope of salvation.
Jesus is prayed to
If you put your faith in a Jesus that is not true, then your faith is useless. The power of faith does not rest in the act of believing, but in its object; the greatest faith in someone false is the same as no faith at all. Sincerity and false messiahs do not bridge the chasm of sin between God and man, only the Jesus of the Bible does that. Who then, is the true Jesus?
Jesus said that He was the only One who reveals the Father (Matt. 11:27 and Luke 10:22): "All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows who the Son is except the Father, and no one knows who the Father is except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him" (NIV).
So, to know the true Father you must first know the true Jesus. The question is, how do you recognize the true Jesus? Simply look in the Bible.
If you were to say, "Father receive my spirit," who would you be praying to? The Father, right?
If you were to say, "Jesus receive my spirit," who would you be praying to? Jesus.
In Acts 7:59, Stephen, while full of the Holy Spirit (v. 55), prayed to Jesus:
And they went on stoning Stephen as he called upon the Lord and said, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." (See alsoActs 9:14; Rom. 10:13.)(In Mormonism, in 3 Nephi 19:18 Jesus is prayed to and called Lord and God. This is useful to mention to a Mormon when necessary.)
Stephen prayed to Jesus, not just through Him. If it is acceptable for him then it should be alright for you. The Jesus of the Bible is prayed to. I pray to Jesus. Do you? If yes, good. If not, why?
But you might say, "Jesus said to pray to the Father." I do. But I also pray to Jesus as Stephen did. If the church is only to pray to the Father then why did Stephen, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, address Jesus in His prayer? Was he wrong? See also 1 Cor. 1:1-2 with Psalm 116:4 where calling upon the name of the Lord is prayer and prayer is addressed to Jesus by the Corinthian church.
But you might say, "Jesus said to pray to the Father." I do. But I also pray to Jesus as Stephen did. If the church is only to pray to the Father then why did Stephen, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, address Jesus in His prayer? Was he wrong? See also 1 Cor. 1:1-2 with Psalm 116:4 where calling upon the name of the Lord is prayer and prayer is addressed to Jesus by the Corinthian church.
Jesus was also worshipped. The verses are:
And those who were in the boat worshiped Him, saying, "You are certainly God's son! (Matt. 14:33).
And behold, Jesus met them and greeted them. And they came up and took hold of His feet and worshiped Him (Matt. 28:9).
See also Matt. 2:2,11; 14:33; 28:9; John 9:35-38; Heb. 1:6.
The Jesus of the Bible is prayed to and worshiped. Do you do what Jesus' disciples did? Do you pray to and worship the true Jesus?
Since it is against Mormon and Jehovah's Witness theologies to pray to Jesus but only through if you do worship Jesus, how can you do that without praying to Him? And, do you honor Him equally with the Father as Jesus said to do in John 5:23? If you do not, then why not?
There is just one more issue to address. Do you call Jesus your Lord and God?
After Jesus' resurrection He showed Himself to many people. One of them was Thomas. John 20:28:
Thomas answered and said to Him [Jesus], "My Lord and my God!" The literal Greek says, "The Lord of me and the God of me."(In Mormonism, in 3 Nephi 19:18 Jesus is prayed to and called Lord and God. This is useful to mention to a Mormon when necessary.)
"My God!" is a pagan expression used today. Two points can be made from this. First, do you agree that Thomas a devout Jew was swearing, like a pagan of today? Second, there is no biblical account of swear words. Peter did swear in Mark 14:71 by swearing he did not know Jesus. To say Thomas was swearing, or merely exclaiming profound surprise has no evidence.
God calls Jesus God in Heb. 1:8:
But of the Son He [the Father] says, "Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever..."
Unfortunately, in the Jehovah's Witness Bible in Heb. 1:8 you'll see that it says, "God is your throne, forever and ever." This, technically speaking, is a legitimate translation. The reason this is so lies in the nature of the Greek language and the fact that the form of the word "God" and "Throne" both end in a noun construction that is interchangeable, therefore making the NWT translation legitimate. It is unfortunate that the Watchtower has chosen to do this. Nevertheless, if you'd like to read more about this, then go to The Jehovah's Witnesses andHeb. 1:8 and Psalm 45:6.
The Jesus of the Bible is prayed to (Acts 7:55-60; Psalm 116:4 and Zech. 13:9 with 1 Cor. 1:1-2), worshiped (Matt. 2:2,11; 14:33; 28:9; John 9:35-38; Heb. 1:6), and called Lord and God (John 20:28; Heb. 1:8). If I have the wrong Jesus, and therefore I serve the wrong God, then why do I pray to Jesus, worship Him, and call Him my Lord and God as the Scriptures teach? But, if you have the true Jesus, why is it you don't do those things? Why does JW theology not agree with the scriptures?
I think the answer is simple. The Jesus of the cults is not the true Jesus. Therefore, they are wrong.
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